Preschool Program

30 months to 4 years

The Preschool Program is divided into three classrooms. All groups enjoy a stimulating environment for children to thrive in emotionally, socially, creatively, physically, and intellectually. The Preschool curriculum is designed to enhance brain development with a multitude of age appropriate experiences.

At Pakenham Community Early Learning Centre we spend a lot of time listening to and talking with preschoolers. This type of positive interaction encourages the development of emotions and language skills while enhancing the development of a positive self-esteem. Each child is given opportunities to develop personal interests and learn at their own pace.

Discovery Areas

Science/Sensory: Here the children are exploring the basic concepts such as weight, volume, and fluidity using simple familiar materials. Some favourite materials found in the sensory bin include; snow, oobleck, kinetic sand, whipped ivory soap and on and on!

Creative Expression: In our preschool programs, there is always a creative center available. The ‘art shelf’ is stocked with paper, pencils, markers, and crayons. In addition to those things, you will often find paint, glue, scissors, tissue paper, chalk, string, popsicle sticks, and lots of other materials to work with.  The children are welcome to explore these materials and create their art however they choose.

Block Building and Manipulative: In each preschool classroom there is a carpeted area where lots of building happens! Blocks large and small along with other props give your child and their friends the materials needed to stretch their imagination, while learning about weight, balance and other skills related to early math.

Dramatic Play: Now that your preschooler has a vast vocabulary and is growing socially, the dramatic center is a place where your child will shine! Providing space and materials such as clothes, hats, and other accessories, supports the need for your preschool child to explore and better understand the world around them.

Language/Cozy Book Center: A nice friendly place for your child to sit down with age appropriate books. The books are changed regularly to support the children’s interests. Story time happens throughout the day, one on one teacher to child and also as a larger group activity. Once a week the group takes a walk to the Public Library only three streets away and enjoys a story time and a chance to borrow books.

Musical Movement: On an ongoing basis, music is happening in the classrooms. The children sing the ‘Thank You Song’ at mealtime, sing ‘Tidy Up’ when the toys need to be put away, and there are songs and finger plays happening throughout the day. Other group activities include exposure to various musical instruments, enjoying playing instruments while marching in a parade through the daycare, dancing to music with scarves or ribbons, painting to music, or simply dancing with a friend!


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Typical Preschool Room Schedule

Our schedules are always flexible, changing to meet the needs of the children on any given day.  During the spring and summer, the children often eat their morning and afternoon snacks outside in the playground. In the colder weather, indoor play often extends past morning snack.  On “library days”, the morning outdoor time is replaced by a walk to the local library for story time with the librarian.

  • Arrival time, free play
  • Morning snack (9 am)
  • Tidy up and visit washrooms
  • Outdoor Play
  • Lunch (11:30 am)
  • Nap time (non sleepers have quiet time)
  • Quiet structured play while children wake
  • Afternoon snack (3 pm)
  • Outdoor Play
  • Indoor Play
  • Home Time